Thursdays are our designated day to work on house stuff. We always try to move something ahead on that day. On Thursday April 4th, we started the spot by the TV equipment in the living room.
Here's what we started with:
We got most of it done, but the last plate was really tricky. They are tricky under the best of circumstances - the plates are pretty small and square whereas the walls are not flat, level, plumb or square. The holes are shaped in an add array of shapes. The last plate was a triple plate and each of the three spots holds two speaker wires (it's not visible in the picture above - it's to the right).
The three inserts that hold the speaker wires don't attach to anything, so while trying to fit a flat plate onto a non-flat wall, manage 6 separate screws and keep it all from cracking you have to try to keep the inserts flush with the plate. I got the whole shebang mostly attached and then cracked the plate on the last screw by using a drill to drive it. I lost control and the drill drove it too far too fast. Ugh.
Here's the plate that got messed up on the right:
I went out the following Wednesday (4/10) to get replacement plate so we could work on Thursday. When Thursday rolled around however, my computer was broken and C spent 5 hours working on it. We got nothing done on the house that week and I was out of town the next week, so this waited until I got back.
I'll be so glad when this is done and I can get onto the next projects