On Saturday, we went shopping for theater seating. We thought we were ready to buy and went to Best Buy to sit on the sofa again. Unfortunately, it hurt my back after about 15 minutes so that option is out.
On Tuesday, I spent 45 minutes decluttering. I try to do 15 minutes a day, but I was behind. Some time was spent gathering C's wiring, electronic, computer, etc stuff in the kitchen so we can get it organized this weekend (update: we actually got to this on May 9!) This project really needs to be done. I actually feel better just getting this far. I'm looking at 6 boxes and I'm sure there is miscellaneous stuff scattered about but not enough to keep us from doing the job. We have most of the stuff that needs to be organized and when we find hidden caches of related items they can be put away. I actually felt some relief once I saw it was only 6 boxes.

C dabbles in electronics and when he needs a computer he builds it. We also did all the wiring for the house, so we have supplies and equipment for that.
On Thursday, a freecycler (www.freecycle.org) came and picked up our old bed. Felt good to get it out of here. I also dropped off a bag at Goodwill.
I actually felt like the garage looked a little different on Friday for the first time in a while. I keep working and working and emptying more boxes and the progress just doesn't seem to show, although c disagrees with me. Getting these boxes out also let me have access to some things that were just tossed in there during the remodel that I need to get rid of so I'm glad for that and can't wait until trash day.