Friday, January 28, 2011

Week ending 1/28/11

We spent more time over the weekend prepping for the flooring estimate and working out numerous details. I'm sure it seems I overdo these things, but experience has taught me that a well-planned job will have lots of problems but leaving anything to chance is a recipe for disaster.

I wanted to get everything written up and schedule with the contractor, but didn't get to it.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Week ending 1/21/11

Here is a picture of the flooring with the baseboard samples on top. I think I picked the one that is separate from the other 3.

We spend the weekend measuring the house for the baseboard and getting ready to order it. We had to work out the cuts and where the seams would be in order to make sure we had enough.

C found a bunch of broken glass out back, and on Wednesday I found 2 nails and a glass shard. I swear the people who lived here before us used the backyard as a trash dump. There was no back door or easy access so I wouldn't be surprised if they never used it like a backyard. There was nothing out there to make it user friendly like chairs, a patio or pergola.

It's just kind of amazing to me that we are still finding trash out there. The entire yard was cleaned by a professional hauler when we bought the place (it was filled with junk). We then had it graded, rototilled and sodded by a landscaper. How is there still so much junk out there?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Week ending 1/14/11

Nothing to report this week - some weeks are like that!

Friday, January 07, 2011

Week ending 1/7/11

The flooring was delivered Tuesday, which puts us one step closer to having flooring. It's a shame I didn't take any pictures of the flooring stacked all over the house! When they delivered it I had the crew stack it in the living room and the stack was about 4 feet tall with 4 boxes a layer! I was glad to catch a rare break and have today go smoothly.

Friday was my birthday and we didn't do anything either. We end up missing a lot of fun opportunities with our house. It's kind of a bummer.