On Saturday, we worked in rearranging the office closet so our new printer could go in there. Previously, we had a huge photo printer that sat on the desktop and took up a ton of room. This one's pretty big too, but since it's in the closet with all the network equipment it's not a problem. C hooked us up - it's a printer, fax, copier and scanner and it's attached to the network. Print right from your desktop and it turns itself on, opens the cover and prints for you. No need to get up until you need your printout.
I worked on getting the office to our unpacking checkpoint while C finished setting up the printer. We were quite happy to finish the office and now just have the bedroom to go!
Sunday we did out taxes - yuck! The good news is they get easier every year because nothing has changed for us in a while.
On Monday, I busted my back and got the bedroom done to checkpoint. The highlight of the day came when C got home from work at 1:00 am and said WOW!
I had lined up an electrician who was supposed to call today but of course he didn't. The difference now is that I don't NEED him and I don't need to put up with his crap! There are plenty more electricians. On Tuesday, I called the contractor that referred me to this electrican and told him the electrician blew me off and the contractor found me another electrician. This guy actually worked here at the house while the contractor was working here.
HAHAHAHA - I just found out Home Depot has an affiliate program! I've been doing affiliate marketing in my business, but based on how awful they are I would NEVER recommend anything from them.
Since we got to checkpoint, I started the window shades today! YAY!
On Wednesday, I spoke to electrician #2 who said he's call Thursday and come out on Friday, but I was suspicious because it seemed too easy.
In case I didn't mention it, the problem we're having is that the circuit that powers the garage door and exterior outlets isn't working. It trips the breaker immediately.
On Thursday, the electrician didn't call, WHAT A SURPRISE!
On Friday, I called electrician at 9:20 and he called me back at 10:20 and said he forgot about me and now can't make it! I called him and told him don't bother! As much as I cannot believe contractors are still acting this way (and then complain about how bad business is), it feels so good to not have to put up with their crap. I would like the electric fixed, but it's been over a month so I don't need it fixed right away. I understood when they acted this way when the economy was booming, but in case he hasn't heard the news, contractors are not doing well in this economy! It would help your business to call customers back and show up when you say you will!
On Friday morning, C and I fooled around with the electric a bit to see if he could narrow down the problem. His schooling was electrical engineering, which does come in handy sometimes even though his expertise is in computer programming.
This is Calvin in his little bed:

You can see the new plastic mats I bought so the desk chairs don't damage the flooring. Calvin didn't want to use this bed for the longest time, but C kept gently encouraging him to get in it and now he uses it regularly though not a lot. Sometimes he is so perfectly fitted into it that you can't see the floor of the bed.