On the weekend, we didn't do any home improvement. C had to work and it was a tough weekend. We did get down to the beach - here I am sitting on a traffic island with Danny. You can see me in jeans and a black top with the dog next to me.

Monday was Memorial Day, and I made the unfortunate decision to go to Ikea. Those fools didn't think of putting holiday hours up on their website or phone message and it took 20 minutes before I got transferred to someone who knew the hours! Duh. If I didn't absolutely need to go there I wouldn't have.
On Wednesday, I dragged the table saw out and cut up some pieces left over from the flooring job that was completed in March. We replaced a cabinet and I had to cut up the old one in order for it to fit in the trash. It took so long because it had to be during the day since the saw makes noise and I had to do it when I was in work clothes and could have the dogs inside for a while. It's not safe to have them out in the yard while I'm working with a dangerous tool like that.
On Thursday, I ordered the last of the window shades - YAY! This has been a "thing" for years now.
I also figured out and did some planning for the remaining closet doors. I was bummed to find out I need another trip to Ikea since they don't bother to tell you how many clips to buy for a given panel width so I took a guess and didn't buy enough.
On Friday, I spend about an hour on a few different projects. The window shades are on hold since I've ordered them and am waiting to pick them up. The closet doors are also on hold - I wrote out a plan of everything that needs to be done which is always a great way to start a project. I need to do 3 different errands to get started so the entire project is on hold (Ikea for more curtain clips, my local hardware store for screws and the fabric store for fabric). Since it was Friday, I couldn't leave until late in the day when the guys who do the lawn have come and gone. The dogs go ballistic when the lawn guys are here, so I don't leave them alone on Fridays if I can avoid it.
I'm also ready to order the rug for the bedroom (check it out
here) but can't do it yet because it would arrive while I am gone next week so I'm going to try to order it on tuesday.
That leaves my next project - magnets for side door shade which swings when the door opens, but I couldn't do because I can't leave until the yard guys leave.
The next project is buffing the last of the woodwork. This has been hanging over my head for years..... we got windows and doors just done enough to get paint and flooring in. The steel wool sanding done had to be done so there weren't particles on the floor that would damage the floors. I left the tape up and some of the buffing undone but now that project is close to top. I did two windows that are getting shades next in bedroom and that took about 45 minutes but the sliders (sliding windows) are now crossed off the list. All I have left are interior doors and the back door to go. It's a miserable job, but I am glad to be making progress.