Friday, August 26, 2011

Week ending 8/26/11

On Saturday, we got the new tv set up on the kitchen table. It's not ideal, but it's safe and we were at least able to test that it works. I've gotten used to projects in various stages of completion littering out living space. It's a way of life in a fixer upper house!

We didn't have time to finish the set up - like everything house-related, it takes way longer than it seems like it should.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Week ending 8/19/11

On Monday, C ordered a new tv for the den. We weren't quite ready to buy it, but it was on sale for a big discount.

The TV was supposed to be delivered Thursday between noon and 4:30, and arrived at 11:40 a.m. Thank goodness I was home.

Other than the TV, and doing some planning and set up for that, I haven't done much home improvement. I'm still feeling really crashed and low energy.

Here are a few fun shots:

This is Danny enjoying the new bedroom rug. He has a bed in this room, but I think sometimes it gets too hot so it's nice that he has a soft place to lay that stays cool. At first, I thought the size and shape of the rug were a little awkward for the layout of the room, but now I'm glad it sticks out at the end :-) ! I do wish it was a little wider though.

This is one of Calvin's favorite spots and positions to lay in. We play classical music all day for the dogs, and this is his favorite spot to listen. When I go to bed, I just turn the music down and leave him right here. This is often where C finds him when it's time for one last trip outside for the night.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Week ending 8/12/11

On Saturday, we spent a few hours tearing apart the bedroom so we could put the rug down. We had to lift and move the mattress, boxspring and platform, put the rug down, put the platform and boxspring back, put the bedskirt on and then put the mattress back and make the bed. Here are the final results:

Here's Danny checking things out from his bed:

I think the bedroom looks great, and I'm really happy with my design choices which is a great feeling. We now need to fix holes in wall (visible on the left in the first picture), and now I'm also thinking we need a headboard. Love that those are the worst things wrong in that room!

The holes in the wall are actually wiring jacks that just need to be finished being wired and then have a plate installed. We'll tackle it soon as we're doing some work on the home entertainment set up in the near future and will have all the tools and materials out.

The rest of the week, I got very little done on the house. I'm moving slowly, and kind of had a crash. I think I'm just really burned out on remodeling.

Friday, August 05, 2011

Week ending 8/5/11

The rug I ordered for the bedroom got delivered and I wanted to get it laid down over the weekend but we didn't get to it. It's a much bigger job than it seems - we have to move the bed and all the night tables and then put it all back on top of the rug.

I'm still feeling crashed and haven't been doing much on the house.

This is a funny picture of C petting Danny. C was rubbing Danny's chest and created the pile of hair you see right below Danny's head. All that hair only took about 2 minutes to fall out! No wonder I'm constantly cleaning dog hair! BTW, C isn't intentionally covering Danny's eyes. Danny loves to have his head and face vigorously massaged and this is just part of the routine.