Week ending 6/25/10
Again, sadly, nothing to report. We were at a birthday party Saturday afternoon and went to C's parents Sunday for a relaxing father's day.
Hours on windows and woodwork to date: 387.75
This is a blog we set up so interested friends and family members can follow our remodel. We're very excited and hope to share our success with you. Please don't post any identifying information in your comments. I do sometimes get behind, usually due to having to transfer my pictures from the camera and from working some long days. I usually do at least a few entries a week though, so be sure to read back a few days to catch them all.
Again, sadly, nothing to report. We were at a birthday party Saturday afternoon and went to C's parents Sunday for a relaxing father's day.
No work to report this week - I went to San Diego for a training for my business for a few days and got back Saturday night. I was wiped out on Sunday and Monday and spent the rest of the week catching up.
On Sunday we each did 2.5 hours for a total of 5 person hours on the woodwork sanding. We made some progress and we probably have under 10 hours to go on sanding this coat.
On Monday, we did 2 hours of sanding each (4 man-hours total) and got some house stuff done. It sure wasn't fun, but it did feel good to get things done. I estimate about 14 hours to go on sanding this coat as follows: