Kitchen details
Some of the kitchen details are being installed now. These are glass shelves in a glass-fronted cabinet with sliding doors that will hold dishes. Eventually, there will be lights in the cabinet shining downward.

This is a blog we set up so interested friends and family members can follow our remodel. We're very excited and hope to share our success with you. Please don't post any identifying information in your comments. I do sometimes get behind, usually due to having to transfer my pictures from the camera and from working some long days. I usually do at least a few entries a week though, so be sure to read back a few days to catch them all.
Some of the kitchen details are being installed now. These are glass shelves in a glass-fronted cabinet with sliding doors that will hold dishes. Eventually, there will be lights in the cabinet shining downward.
Today and yesterday a lot of progress was made on the kitchen. It is really shaping up, and I am so happy to report that I LOVE what I see. This shows the appliance area, which will be for using things like the toaster, rice cooker, slow cooker, etc. The microwave will mount under the left cabinet.
Today I spent some very happy time putting things into the first kitchen cabinets that we can use! It may sound like a small thing to be so excited about, but for three months, we have been scrounging through 3-5 paper grocery bags on the floor every time we eat. Where are the nuts? Where are the vitamins? Where is the oatmeal? We've been managing, but it does make meal time a chore. Today I was able to put all the bags and paper goods into cabinets. It feels great! While we are still constrained to just microwave, fridge and paper plates, it will be easier now that I don't have to safari everytime I need to find something.
Today's big accomplishement was getting the trees trimmed. We have huge, tall ficus trees along the side of the backyard that provide great separation from a two-story apartment building on that side. They were overgrown when we first looked at the house last October, so you can imagine how bad they finally got. Here is a before shot looking back toward the house:
Today we made some progress. Some cabinets were bolted into place. I had scheduled a tree guy at 11 am, but he had a "bee incident" at his prior job so we rescheduled for tomorrow. It's a bit disappointing, but not really a big deal. I found out that we didn't have the mounting bracket kit for the small microwave. I was surprised the salesguy didn't mention this - he knew this was an undercabinet installation and never advised us to order it.
A few more cabinets went up today. Here you can see in the foreground the peninsula that will hold the cooktop.
A few more cabinets went in today. There was one setback - the top cabinets were not up high enough to clear the fridge, so the mounting hardware had to be raised a few inches. But, at the end of the day we were further ahead. On the lower level are the sink cabinet (below the window) and a corner unit with a half-circle lazy susan. Next to the sink is a trash compactor. We hadn't really considered this until a friend sold me on it, and I am so glad she did! First of all, it eliminates the need for a free standing trashcan. Your trash is neatly tucked away behind the door of the compactor. Second, since it compacts you generate less trash volume and have to empty the trash less often. Third, it is foot activated so you can throw trash away while cooking without having to touch the can. Finally, it is relatively dog proof!
Today a few of the kichen cabinets went in. They are not permanently installed yet - they need to be levelled and plumbed and then bolted into place. It is nice to see progress though!
As I've told people about the remodel, a frequent comment I get is "That must be fun!" Nobody that has done a major remodel ever says this. Certainly, there have been fun parts but for the most part it is about as far from fun as you can get. The fun parts get more press I think - check out This Old House or HGTV. For example, all they show is the final minutes of picking out tile, it goes up in 30 seconds and looks great. What you don't see is the numerous trips to various tile stores, sitting in traffic, unloading dozens of heavy boxes from your car, moving them throughout the house and garage several times as the project progresses, buying the tools and going back three times to get everything you need, running out of grout and having to drive an hour and a half to get it because the local store is out, setting the same tile 5 times because it won't lay right, having bloody fingertips that look like ground meat etc. The fun part is showing everyone who comes through the tile I laid and how good it looks.
We got back yesterday evening from a much needed week of vacation. Whew, what a relief to be free of house worries for a whole week. The contractor had an ambitious week planned in our absence, and got most of it done so that was two steps forward. The one step back was that the last day of our trip, Friday, he was supposed to get the kitchen cabinets and appliances in. He didn't get to this, which is not so terrible since it's only a day. But we were very much looking forward to a more complete kitchen, at least where we could put some of our stuff away. We are a little worse off in terms of food preparation since now anything we move into the kitchen has to be out by Monday so he can keep working. It was a bit of a disappointment, but we are still doing pretty good on the schedule.
I've been gone from my blog for a long time! I've been here at the house, working away, but there just didn't seem to be anything interesting or picture-worthy happening. The progress has been slow, but today we really had something to show.