Lanscaper starting Tuesday
I got a call from the landscaper today and he want to start Tuesday! Yay! I am through-the-roof excited, although I won't believe it until they show up. Things often don't start on schedule.
This is a blog we set up so interested friends and family members can follow our remodel. We're very excited and hope to share our success with you. Please don't post any identifying information in your comments. I do sometimes get behind, usually due to having to transfer my pictures from the camera and from working some long days. I usually do at least a few entries a week though, so be sure to read back a few days to catch them all.
I got a call from the landscaper today and he want to start Tuesday! Yay! I am through-the-roof excited, although I won't believe it until they show up. Things often don't start on schedule.
I faxed the second contract today at lunchtime. What a relief. The general contractor may be coming tomorrow with his metal guy to get started on the gates.
Late this morning, I got the general contractor's new proposal which included the stairs. It's more than we wanted to spend, but in the ballpark. Since we really need it done ASAP, we're going to go ahead with it. Unfortunately, we don't have the luxury of additional time to work this out. We are both feeling mad that the contractors are taking so long. The time frame is closing in, and it's not good to make snap decisions on big things.
Today I went shopping for window blinds with my mom, who knows about these things. Believe it or not, they are quite complex. Unfortunately, the way my (brand new) windows are made, we have very few blind options. The mounting surface is only 1/2" deep, and most cellular or "honeycomb" shades require 1 1/2" or more. I was very disappointed to find this out. I'm not ready to shift gears yet - we only looked at one store and thanks to the marvel of the internet, I still think I can find what I need. Who would even think to consider window treatment options when picking out new windows? Just choosing the windows was a chore by itself.
Today we had a guy come to clean the windows. This may seem like a silly thing to spend money on - I mean how hard is it to clean first floor windows, especially since we have the tilt-in kind? Well, our prior incompetent contractor didn't used drop cloths or masking tape, so in many areas of the house we have splatters of various materials. Our exterior window frames are no exception. The beautiful, brand new sparkling white frames have stucco residue all over them from when the stucco was patched after the window installation. I had planned on cleaning it myself, but when the stucco guy was here doing the new stucco he strongly cautioned me against that, saying I would scratch the frame (it's fiberglass). He gave me the number of a window cleaner who he said works really cheap and knows how to do detailed construction cleanup like we have. I had him come out today, and boy was it worth it! Had I done it myself, it would have been the equivalent of less than minimum wage and it wouldn't have been done for a while. The frames look great and now that we have new stucco the difference is striking. He got the glass so clean you couldn't see it (try that with Windex)! The longer range shots didn't show the change well, but here are two close ups of the same window.
I spoke to the contractor today and he said he wouldn't be able to come to the house until at least Tuesday. I took matters into my own hands and faxed him a sketch. It was way too confusing to try to explain it to him on the phone, mainly because he doesn't seem to understand the difference between the side of the house and the back. I even tried using directions like "the north side of the house" or "the northeast corner" etc and he still wasn't able to follow. I followed up the fax with a detailed email, so hopefully we'll get another proposal soon.
I was working on the shower enclosure today and realized that I cut a piece wrong. I was cutting two right angle pieces that have to form the end of a rectangle. I have to cut the pieces because the rectangle is too wide if I use the pieces as shipped. The problem is I cut them both identically instead of one "left" and one "right." Ugh. I was so excited that my table saw was able to make super-nice cuts in much less time (compared to using a hack saw, which the product website suggests) that I didn't re-orient the second piece I cut. So, the shower enclosure is temporarily on hold until I can order a replacement piece.
Last night, we finally got price from general contractor (deck and gates) after 2 weeks. It was WAY too high. The prices was 2 - 2.5 times higher than we expected. We are now scrambling to try to come up with an alternative plan. I'm a little disappointed about the price, but that's not the main cause of my upset. We've waited so long on this and now we have to get into iterations of contracts. If they continue to take too long, we simply won't be able to have the project done before I start school and we will have to arrange care for the dog (at quite a cost). We'd love to be able to work more with the contractor and try different scenarios but we have to wait so long for each version that we really can't do that. Thus, we are forced to make a decision with scant information.
The window I've been working on is done and ready for a shade. Today I just had to patch the nail holes and joints with wood putty and give it a thorough cleaning. The putty is great because it hides so many flaws, even on the wood with a clear finish (i.e. not painted). It makes me look like a much more skilled carpenter than I am.
Today I sanded the side door. I sanded the front door yesterday, and hope to coat both tomorrow. I worked some more on the shower and got the last piece of trim up on the one window that is close to done. All I have to do is clean it and putty it (nail holes and joints) and it is done.
With all the difficulty our building permit caused, I often get asked "Why even get a permit?" To answer this, let me first summarize why you wouldn't want a permit. (Note that all information is true where we live and may not be true in other places).
We decided to leave the back door as it is. It looks great and the finish is good enough for now. It will be recoated in 2 years, so the finish will be smoother then. I cleaned up the door and removed the tape and it looks great. What a relief to have one of the doors done.
Today, the back door is finally dry from the last coat of stain. I am really glad I did the third coat because the finish feels really smooth and looks good. Now my dilemma - do I do a 4th coat? It's pretty good now, but another coat would make it really nice. But, it is good enough now and the doors will need to be restained every 1-2 years so maybe I should wait? It would be really nice to be done with at least one door - I've been looking at blue tape on all the doors for weeks. Also, since this is a double door, doing a coat of stain is a big project and it may not be worth it.... but then again it may be.
I was at lunch with C and got a call from the landscaper that he was ready to meet in 20 minutes. This isn't as last minute as it sounds - he had told me early in the morning that he would call when he was on his way. I ran home and met him right away, and he gave me a contract which, I am happy to say, looks great. It is right in line with the other prices we got and we feel best about this particular guy. He guesses the work will take 1-1.5 weeks if he works straight through, but he may not be able to due to having the deck constructed by the general contractor simultaneously. He doesn't think the deck will be a major interruption - once the water lines are run underground, the deck can be worked on and the entire rest of the yard is available for the landscaper to work on. The only thing we are waiting on is the contract from the general contractor for the deck, gate and steps.
I realized, after getting a similar comment from several people, that I haven't clearly communicated why we need a landscaper in the backyard. I think the general assumption is that landscapers make yard "pretty." I think when I talk about it, the image people get is that the yard is simply bland and boring, and just needs a few plants and maybe a touch up on the grass. The truth is, our backyard is in way worse shape than that. Our landscaper won't even be doing any plants (except the grass)
Today I worked a little more on the shower. I cut two pieces of the curtain track with a hacksaw as suggested on their web page. What a job! It took forever and the cuts came out poorly. I had to file them down to get them smooth and straight. I am going to try my table saw for any future cuts. The material is aluminum and I think the saw should go right through it.
I worked some more on the shower enclosure today. I tested the dummy pieces I cut yesterday and they looked good. I got worked a little more on the window trim, but when I put the piece up, I found it was too warped at one end and would not adhere to the wall. It was a bit disappointing because I thought I'd have a finished window today, but it didn't happen.
I got another piece of trim up on one of the windows. Just one more piece to go and that window is ready for a shade. My mom is coming to visit in a few weeks and is going to help me buy the shade so I'm finishing the window just in time.
I got the back door prepped for the third coat of stain, but wasn't able to actually stain it since the prep (sanding, blowing dust off with air compressor, wiping surface, re-taping) took much longer than expected. I am glad I'm doing 3 coats - it will make a big difference. Just getting it sanded made the surface so much smoother.
I realized today that I have become someone who lives in a mess. It's been over a year and a half, and the place is still a mess and will be for at least a few years. It was a depressing crashdown into reality to think that this isn't just a temporary stopover, but a long-term situation. I never pictured myself living in a mess. I am really neat and like a clean, uncluttered space. Even though I hate it and protest it daily (hourly even) it is still true. I may not like it, but I live in a mess. I live in a house where I am not comfortable having people over. I live in a house where you can't find things. It's gross and I hate it, but it's true.
Yes, I really did spend $56 on lightbulbs today. I was shocked.
Today I got the side door stained. This was a relief because each door now has at least one coat and is less likely to get damaged. It's hard to find the time to do each coat since I have to stay home with the door open for 5-8 hours. I still need to do a total of 5 coats so I hope to get this done before I start school. I used brushes I bought at Ikea for this job, and I would recommend against them. It's great that they carry brushes for all the unfinished wood they sell, but the brushes were just not suitable for this job. They are cheap and don't have a solid block of bristles - they have bristles around the outside and nothing inside. As a result, the brush doesn't hold much stain. As I continued to work, the brush got less and less able to create a smooth finish and it was really hard to use around edges and corners. I've used other cheap brushes and they've worked fine, I just did not like the Ikea brushes.
The general contractor sent one of his foremen over to finish the stucco and door job. Other than the fact that he was an hour and 45 minutes late, I was pleased. He adjusted two of the deadbolt locks that weren't working correctly, rehung some wires the stucco guys took down and rehung the exterior lights. He also hung the phone box and attached some wires that were not part of the job. I appreciated the extra work.
Once again, a contractor called the home number instead of my cell. I was out with the dog, but fortunately C got the call and told him to come on over. Thank goodness I can drop everything because he basically gave me no notice and these guys are hard to catch for a meeting. It's not good for my productivity because my schedule is constantly upended, but it's better than missing the meeting. It turned out that the general contractor was here too and we went over the deck plans AGAIN. It is so overwhelming - there are so many details and some things are really hard to communicate. I had sidewalk chalk ready so we could draw on the ground and this helped. I really hope we have all the plans worked out. Now we are waiting on proposals from both of them. I hope the price is okay - we really want the work done and these two are by far the best we've met.
I called the landscaper at 11:30 and he said he was in a meeting and would call me when it was done and let me know what time he was coming. Needless to say, I got no call. He had also given me directions to drive by a house that he had done a gate on. The directions were go East on X Street and turn left on Y. The problem is, those two streets don't intersect. I wasted time today doing this (fortunately not much, but still). Yes, I know we could hire someone else, but this guy was by far the best when we were screening landscapers back in the winter. Also, hiring someone is not instantaneous. It would probably be several weeks before we could select someone by the time I called a bunch of people, set several appointments, carried out the appointments (1-2 hours each), checked references, etc and picked someone.
At long last, the stucco is finally dry enough for pictures! I am excited for the big reveal. Here they are:
Ugh, we just need to have a quick meeting about where plants and trees will go so he can finalize the sprinkler set up. I'm frustrated at having to wait so long just to get a contract draft. I start school in 7 weeks and don't have the time to waste! Yes, I could begin all over again and try to find someone new. But this guy was by far the best of the 4 I interviewed and it took calls to all the qualified landscapers I could find just to set up 4 interviews. Contractors are so busy here that even bad ones are busy all the time. The good ones are just hard to hire.
Today I was quite pleased that I was able to have a meeting with the landscaper we'd like to use and the general contractor we've been using in the most recent phase of the project. We actually found this landscaper back in January when we were interviewing landscapers. He was definitely our favorite, but we never did get a quote from him so we'll have to see how the quote comes in. The others we interviewed were just not people I'd consider working with for a variety of reasons and this guy was actually pretty cool and pretty smart. He seemed to get us, our budget, lifestyle and taste right away. We actually found the general contractor we've been working with through him - they work together a lot. So, we had a good meeting and we hope it works out because we need the yard done ASAP for the dog. I am starting full-time graduate school in September and we want to be able to let him stay out all day.